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by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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I know a city has found a place in my heart when I think to myself as the plane takes off, “我迫不及待地想有一天回来!” This is exactly what happened as I left 布达佩斯, 匈牙利.

I didn’t know what to expect when my friends and I booked our trip to 布达佩斯. I was aware of the troubled history in the region, and I had heard of a soup called goulash, 但除此之外, 没有什么. So I was completely unprepared for the vibrancy and depth of this sometimes overlooked European city. From the beauty of the Danube River and the historic buildings that overlook it, to the dynamic pulse of the ruin bars at night, 布达佩斯有适合每个人的东西.


If you’re the type who likes to eat her way around the world (as I am), 布达佩斯不会让你失望的. There are myriad dishes to enjoy, and they all have one thing in common: paprika! I quickly learned that this spice is incredibly popular in 匈牙利, 他们把所有的盘子都放在上面, 甚至在一些甜点中!

在我尝试过的所有菜肴中, 我最喜欢的是富人, 丰盛的菜炖牛肉, and the pizza-esque street food called Langos. 菜炖牛肉, 一个温暖的, comforting soup made with beef or pork, is one of 匈牙利’s most popular national dishes. 当然是用辣椒粉调味的, 它会愉悦你的味蕾, and leave you feeling full and satisfied. Langos is fried bread made with potatoes and flour, and street vendors sell it with a variety of toppings, 比如番茄酱, 蔬菜, 和肉类. 结果就是美味的小吃, perfect for late nights after visiting my next favorite thing about 布达佩斯: the ruin bars!


位于老犹太区, which fell into disrepair after World War II, these bars look like houses on the outside, 但里面却是最酷的, most eclectic places to go out in the city.

Filled with mismatched furniture and original art covering the walls and ceilings, they have the feeling of a group of friends deciding it would be fun to open a bar, grabbing whatever décor they could get their hands on, and then adding their favorite music and beer. They turn “run-down” into an exciting, contemporary style. The energy inside makes for an unforgettable night out with old friends, 也是制作新蛋糕的好地方!


The final thing that stands out in my memory of 布达佩斯 is walking down its cobblestone streets and stumbling upon history around every corner. 布达佩斯 has passed through its share of troubling times, especially in the second half of the 20th century when the Germans occupied the city during World War II, but what you find most often are reminders of the inspiring parts of 布达佩斯’s history. 布达城堡, 渔人堡垒, and Great Market Hall are all stunning examples of 布达佩斯’s rich cultural past, 非常值得一游. 我个人的最爱, 虽然没有那么伟大, was the statue commemorating the Hungarian poet Attila József. 匈牙利最著名的诗人, József is known for exploring the complexity of life in a modern age. His statue is sitting by the Danube River, hat in hand. When I was there, flowers and candles surrounded him to commemorate his death on December 3, 1937. The statue reminds us of the inspiration we can all draw from our heritage, and the importance of celebrating the past even as we look forward to the future.

I don’t know when, but I know that my future holds a return trip to 布达佩斯. Another chance to wander its charming streets, take in breathtaking views of the Danube, 在废墟酒吧里跳舞, thinking of a late-night Langos snack to follow. I urge you to explore 布达佩斯’s streets, 吃它美味的食物, and experience its energy for yourself!

搜索CEA项目到 布达佩斯留学.

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