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by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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There's no doubt that when you study abroad you're going to want to do some 旅行ing. As much as you love your host city, there's so many other places to see and visit. 短途旅行确实需要一些计划, but it's definitely manageable and can be easy to budget for. 以下是如何在国外组织一次成功的迷你旅行:


有那么多美丽迷人的地方可以参观. 从Pinterest上寻找灵感, 去你梦想的国家吧, or take up a friends recommendation on a place they visited and loved.



There's bound to be someone else who wants to 旅行 with you and if not then a solo trip is a good way to go. It's better to see the places you want then to tag along on another trip that you're not as excited about. 话虽如此, 如果你的朋友邀请你去某个地方, go, because trips are about the memories you make with other people, 不一定是地点.



Normally your school will give you your entire class schedule at the beginning of the year, so you'll know the times you have open for potential 旅行ing. Give yourself at least two full days in one place which may not seem like a lot but it's actually plenty of time to experience a new city. If you want to visit multiple countries on one break think about which one's are next to each other making it easy to take a bus or train to the next destination.




飞, Often the best way to 旅行 since Easy Jet and Ryan Air offer cheap prices and you get there faster

公共汽车, The cheapest way to 旅行 but be prepared for mediocre comfort and overnight times

火车- 令人惊讶的是,这是一个更昂贵的选择

啦啦啦车—— Ride sharing has gotten very popular and it's safe and cheap


旅馆, If you want to see amazing places without the price tag, hostels are the answer. 看看hostelworld.网站选择最适合你的旅馆. 如果你和一两个朋友一起旅行,旅馆是不错的选择. I tend to research them thoroughly and here's what you should look for:

  • A central location, but not necessarily directly in the city center. 它们可能更贵,而且不那么好. One that exists a little outside the city center is usually better with only a 15-20 minute walk.
  • Make sure it's easy to get to from the airport/bus stop/train platform (normally the hostel gives directions on their website)
  • If with a big group, try to all fit in one hostel room and then you won't be alongside strangers.
    If you're a woman 旅行ing solo, stay in an all-girls dormitory (this can normally be selected)
  • 确保他们有免费Wifi
  • Included towels is a plus since you don't want to 旅行 with them (they take up too much room)
  • 不要担心免费早餐. They are never that good and you'll want to experience the local food that comes from boulangeries or cafes. 这样做并不昂贵,而且完全值得. 

Airbnb - If you're 旅行ing with a big group, I highly recommend this option. The prices are affordable and you split the cost among your group. Airbnb now even has the option to do split pay between group members instead of having one person pay the whole sum and everyone having to pay the person back. Find a place that fits your needs using their easy to use website!



现在是有趣的部分! 研究你要去的地方,了解那里的文化, 纪念碑, 艺术, 建筑, 博物馆, 餐厅, 以及你感兴趣的事情! I recommend scrolling through Pinterest and finding people's blogs that describe their experiences, 显示图片, 并给予提示和建议.

Now you have a trip that is completely planned and all you do now is look forward to it!


  • 轻装上阵,背着双肩包. You don't want to be toting along a suitcase no matter how small. A backpack is perfect for a small trip and holds all the essentials.
  • Print out your boarding passes/tickets (even if you only need the mobile version, 你可不想冒手机没电的风险。)
  • 如果你担心去旅馆或爱彼迎, print out directions to get there or contact a hostel employee who will guide you
  • Withdraw cash (just enough since you can always visit an ATM once you arrive and you don't want to carry too much with you)
  • If in a large group, make a spreadsheet for everyone's finances. Finances can be tricky with multiple people involved so it's important to keep track of who's paying for what and how much it is. Then at the end of the trip, people can pay back accordingly.
  • 别忘了你的护照和签证!

迈卡拉年代. 是东航校友. She studied abroad in Grenoble 法国 for a year (Fall 2016-Spring 2017) and is currently a senior at Chapman University.

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